Now that the cold snap has passed, Southern Californians get to enjoy the sunshine once again. But while the region hit record lows this holiday season, the record highs from last year still linger in the back of our minds.
After Christmas in the 30’s, 93 degrees doesn’t seem so bad. But with temperatures potentially hitting the 100’s in the upcoming months, some preparation needs to take place now beyond buying your bathing suit and sunscreen while the prices are still cheap.
But those aren’t the only things you need to worry about.
What should you consider when preparing for heat?
Sitting in the sun day after day, your home takes a beating. While yes the paint will fade, problems can evolve with both your foundation and drainage systems as a direct result from the temperature.
The soil surrounding your home, which shrinks and swells with the temperature, will expand with the heat. This can both disrupt the foundation of your home and the drainage systems.
If you have plants and trees in your yard, you also need to consider that they will be looking for water sources. When it gets warmer, roots will look for moisture wherever they can find it. This includes growing in your pipes and disrupting your drains.
But don’t worry, there are things that you can do to prepare before the heat hits in full force to ensure your homes stability and security during the rough summer months.
Fix your Foundation!
First thing first: determine if you currently have problems with your foundation.
How would you know if you need your foundation repaired? Do you have:
- Unleveled floors
- Broken floor tiles
- Sloping floors
- Bumps in carpet
- Cracks around windows and door frames
- Sticky doors or windows, which are difficult to open and close.
So if you are experiencing any of those symptoms, you should call an expert like those at Weinstein Construction to come and evaluate your foundation. Once they find the problem, they can work with you to create an affordable fix.
But you may not already have issues with your foundation.
Heat can cause issues in your foundation like cracking or slipping, both related to the soil surrounding the foundation. As the soil changes (generally expanding with the heat), it will affect the durability of your foundation. The movement of the soil will cause the foundation to shift or crack and structural stability of your home and trigger some of the aforementioned symptoms.
As these things occur, there are ways to fix the problems.
Foundation fixes include:
- Foundation Repair
- Foundation Leveling
- Slab Crack Repair
These things need to be done by an expert, like those at Weinstein Construction. Whatever problems the heat has caused your foundation, there is an affordable solution.
Don’t forget your pipes.
Heat undoubtedly puts stress on your pipes, especially those outdoors for drainage systems. It is important to pay attention to the state of your pipes to determine how they are working and if they need to be replaced. Experts like those at Weinstein Construction can look at your drainage systems and evaluate whether or not they are working as needed.
How can you tell if your pipes are in need of some love? Do they:
- Leak?
- Look rusted?
- Have roots growing in to or out of them?
While it sounds a bit odd, roots are actually a common problem. Yards with plants and trees look beautiful. But as the temperature increases and there is more pressure on homeowners to conserve water, roots will look for moisture wherever they can. This includes (but is not limited to) your pipes.
If you’re noticing those or other signs that include pools of water or discolored water, these are signs that they need to be looked at. If you’re noticing issues with your drains, contact a professional, like those at Weinstein Construction, to help you with your yard drainage systems.