The Importance of an Inspector “House-Call”
From time to time, we all need to go out and get ourselves a physical checkup. Regular doctor visits are what help us to maintain our health and ensure that we will be around for a long time. The same goes for your home. If you value the stability and well-being of your home as much as you do your own health, then it is important to treat your home as another member of the family and get it looked at by a professional. Getting the foundation of your home inspected is a great way to get a better understanding of how it might stand up (or not) to the threat of natural disasters. Two of the biggest of these risks are earthquakes and flooding. Both can compromise the integrity of a home’s foundation that has not been properly repaired or reinforced. Either way, this could lead to a literally broken home that could potentially slide off of its foundation. The cost of repairs to a crumbled home greatly outweighs that of preventative measures that could be taken right now before disaster strikes. If you are wondering whether or not your home is safe from hazards, it is time to stop wondering and find out for sure. It is better to know and fix the problem immediately than it is to ignore it until it is too late. You’ll be glad that you called a professional to take a look at your home and ease your concerns.
Speaking of professionals, consider this: you wouldn’t go to a dentist to get your eyes examined, right? As such, part of the necessity of planning for a home inspection is the process of finding the right person for the job. Just any contractor will not do in the case of a home inspection. You need to find someone who specializes in foundation repair and, in the case of Southern California, seismic retrofitting. It is crucial that your home is looked over and taken care of by qualified professionals who know exactly what to look for. For example, a small crack in your home’s foundation might not seem like something to be worried about. While concrete, by nature, tends to crack, it is the small cracks that can threaten to turn into big cracks and lead to even bigger problems.
Just like the house pictured above, there might be a sense of concern going into a home inspection.When you find a contractor that you can trust, however, a scary “checkup” will be like a walk in the park for you and your home. A friendly inspector will arrive at your home and crawl underneath your home – something that they are trained to do so that you don’t have to – and take a look around for cracks, instability, and other signs of wear and tear. They will give you a full report of their findings so that you can work together to figure out the right course of action to keep your home safe, be it cripple wall bracing, house bolting, or any other repairs that are deemed necessary. It will be a relief to know what is going on underneath your home and what you can do to keep it standing up and in good condition.
Here at Weinstein Construction, we have all the tools and expertise needed to get the job done. Call today to schedule your home inspection!