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Foundation Crack Repair

Foundation Crack Repair

Foundation Maintenance for Settlement Cracks

Weinstein Retrofitting Systems is a full-service foundation repair contractor who specializes in repairing settlement cracks. We mitigate house settlement so new concrete cracking is avoided.

Foundation Crack Repair - A polyurethane epoxy can be used to help fill cracks in a foundation.

Foundation Crack Repair - Cracks in concrete can be repaired with an epoxy.

While concrete cracks appear to be typical, it is not suggested that they remain ignored. Most homeowners best identify concrete cracks in their basement or crawl space, either on the foundation wall or on the floor. They may also recognize cracks on the garage floor, patio or in-ground pool.

Some of the causes of these cracks are typically due to drying shrinkage, thermal movement, or seismic impact, and usually are minor and result in few problems. However, more often than not, a foundation crack will widen over time and result in water leakage or possibly the loss of structural integrity, especially if the source of the cracking cannot be identified and then stopped or mitigated. Furthermore, foundation and slab cracks are not only an eyesore, but they may hinder the value of the home.

Foundation problems can reduce the value of a home by 20-30%
Foundation Crack Repair

A metal brace is used to strengthen the epoxy-filled crack.

Foundation crack repair solutions outlined here are typical for smaller concrete cracks, vertical, horizontal, or diagonal. If you identify foundation cracks that are wide and long, then more extreme approaches may be necessary, such as foundation replacement. Here are some of the foundation crack repair solutions we offer:

In some cases, we would need to install an additional metal plate, which will go across the crack, from one edge to another, to make sure that the crack will not widen over time.

Luckily, there is an easy way to permanently repair such cracks without the need for costly and disruptive excavation or drain tile. Poured foundation cracks may be repaired by using a low-pressure injection of an epoxy or polyurethane foam material.

Weinstein Retrofitting Systems can repair the cracks often with epoxy injection and a metal strap, adding more safety and value to your home.

Please be aware that some cities require a deputy inspection for the epoxy foundation crack repair solution. Weinstein Retrofitting Systems is here to help you from A-Z, so please give us a call or contact us online today to see if your home is in need of a foundation crack repair.

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