Sign up for the Earthquake Brace+Bolt (EBB) program and find out if you qualify to receive a rebate of up to $3,000 towards a home retrofit.
Weinstein Construction Company has passed the required FEMA training modules and can be found
on the Earthquake Brace+Bolt Contractor List.
What to Expect:
Step 1 – Application
Check out the Earthquake Brace+Bolt website to find out if your home is in a qualifying zip code and if it meets the structural requirements. Requirements for your home include:
- wood-framed construction built before 1979
- built on a level or low slope
- constructed with a 4-foot (or less) cripple wallunder the first floor OR
- constructed with a cripple wall between 4 feet and 7 feet (requires an engineered solution)
- have a raised foundation
(Source: https://www.earthquakebracebolt.com/HomeownerRegistration)
Step 2 – Finding a Qualified Contractor
Visit Earthquake Brace+Bolt’s online contractor directory to find the right one for the job. Those listed in EBB’s contractor directory have completed the required FEMA training modules.
Once you get in touch with a contractor, an inspector will come to survey your property, which will determine the scope of work necessary.
The contractor will write up a proposal and, pending acceptance, will obtain a permit from the city to begin work.
Step 3 – Securing Your Home
While you sit back and relax, a team of professionals will bolt, brace, and secure your home to ensure its safety in the event of an earthquake.
This process involves installing new bolts, anchors, and plywood sheeting below your home. This will ensure that the cripple walls are braced and that your home is secured to its foundation.
Step 4 – Completion Package
Once the work on your home is done, you will receive a completion package, detailing the job that was performed. This will include photos, which you will need as proof to receive your rebate.
Step 5 – Submitting Proof
Your completion package will provide you with the necessary documentation to send to EBB in order to receive your rebate. This includes:
- receipts for building permit fee
- receipts for materials and supplies (if owner-builder)
- contractor invoice broken out by labor, materials, overhead and profit
- 3 photographs of the front of your house
- 3 photographs of the crawl space and cripple wallbefore the retrofit
- 3 photographs after the retrofit work is completed
- signed building permit after the work is completed
[IMPORTANT NOTE: Your building permit MUST reference “in accordance with…” an accepted Standard Plan Set (i.e. Standard Plan Set A or LA City Standard Plan Set #1).. or “Chapter A3.”] - a completed W9 – with homeowners personal information
- payment authorization form
(Source: https://www.earthquakebracebolt.com/Content/AcceptedintoEBB)
Step 6 – Final Steps
Once the documentation is provided, EBB will send you a rebate for up to $3,000. You will rest easily, knowing that your home is safe and secure from the threat of an earthquake.